Badminton Game was introduced in Nagaland toward the early part of the 1930s among the teachers of Impur
Middle English School Mokokchung, influenced by American missionaries.
Steadily, by the late 1960s, it gained popularity within the elected members and bureaucrats, leading the
government to launch several promotional programs:
- In 1968, Shri. Atu Pongener was sent to NIS Patiala for a badminton coach course by the Nagaland
- In 1972, another coach, Mr. Shyam Charan Singh, was employed from Manipur, and many promotional programs
were initiated across the state. Invitational tournaments were also organized with neighboring states
and within Nagaland, ultimately proliferating the popularity of badminton among sports enthusiasts in
Important Milestones
First Badminton coach of Nagaland: Shri. Atu
Pongener & Lt. Shri. Shyam Charan Singh
- First Indoor Badminton Single court Stadium in Nagaland: 1971 at Chief Minister’s premises
1st Nagaland Invitation Tournament: 1971 -
Meghalaya,Assam, Manipur & Nagaland
- First regular indoor Badminton single court Stadium Kohima: 1973 (now being used as Table Tennis
Nagaland badminton invitation tournament, west
Bengal & Nagaland 1973
West Bengal Team with Lt. Shri. Hokishe Sema & lady
wife and Dr. T Ao
Nagaland Badminton Championship: 1975 - Manipur,
Assam, Mizoram & Nagaland
Nagaland Badminton Team with Chief Minister
Hokishe Sema, 1975
2nd Inter-district & state open badminton
championship: 19th - 26th June 1979 Mokokchung
Formation of NBA
In 1972, a Badminton Organizing Committee was formed for the formation of the State Association and
affiliation to the Badminton Association of India (BAI). This eventually led to the inception of the
Nagaland Badminton Association in early 1973, and the following individuals were nominated:
- President: Shri. Hokishe Sema, Chief Minister
- Vice President: Shri. R C Chiten Jamir, Cabinet Minister
- Hony. Secretary: Shri. Atu Pongener, Badminton Coach
- Jt. Secretary: Shri.Shyam Charan Singh, Badminton Coach
NBA finally got affiliated to Badminton Association of India in 1976, which began the unveiling of badminton
era of our players at National level.
Nagaland Team first time participated in BAI National tournament 1976 Kolkatta, West Bengal

NBA Officials at Executive Council of Badminton Association of India

Shri.Tali Jamir. Dr. Watizulu suzumeren
- Shri. Tali Jamir (Rtd. State Coach) - Executive member BAI till 2013 March
- Dr. Watizulu Suzumeren (Sr. Vice President) - Executive Member BAI April 2013 - March 2018
Jt. Secretary BAI April 2018 - March 2022
Vice President BAI April 2022 - incumbent
Achievements of NBA Players at National & International Level
- Mr. Tajenkaba Ao: All India Sub-Veteran Singles Runner-up 2014
- Mr. Joseph Sumi: All India Sub-Veteran Doubles Runner-up 2015, Singles Runner-up 2016, Mixed Doubles
Runner-up 2016
- Miss Imlirenla Jamir: All India Sub-Veteran Singles Champion 2016, Mixed Doubles Runner-up 2016
- Mr. Raju Chetri: All India Sub-Veteran Doubles Runner-up 2015
- Mr. Zhakuo Seyie: APACS Kazakhstan Future Series Doubles Runner-up 2023 International